Sleep Deprivation




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How is it treated, and is there a cure?

Sleep deprivation can happen for many reasons, which means there’s no one way to cure it. Depending on why it happens, it’s often a treatable condition. However, treatment for sleep deprivation can take many different forms. Some treatment approaches focus on changing how a person sleeps (or prepares for sleep), while others focus on treating whatever disrupts a person’s ability to sleep.

Some of the more common treatments for sleep deprivation and related conditions include:

  • Behavior changes. Many people can prevent sleep deprivation simply by adjusting their sleep-related behaviors and pre-sleep routine.
  • Medications. Various medications can help a person fall and stay asleep or change the way they sleep. Some medications can even change the way a person dreams, making it less likely that they’ll have severe nightmares or other sleep disturbances. However, many sleep-inducing medications can be habit-forming, so healthcare providers prescribe these cautiously.
  • Breathing support methods. Conditions that affect breathing during sleep, such as sleep apnea, are treatable with various methods. These include different types of pillows and supports, mouthpieces that adjust your jaw position, surgery to widen your airway, positive airway pressure machines that keep your airway open while you sleep and more.

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Disclaimer: David Huynh takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of David Huynh and not that of California State University, Sacramento