Syllabus    |   Students

Course Annoucements:
1. Because 9/2/2019 (Monday) is holiday, Lab2 part 1 demo for Monday lab students will be extended to Week 5 Monday lab session.
All other labs of lab 2 will still follow the schedule posted on the syllabus.
Lab2 Report schedule will also follow the schedule posted on the syllabus.

2. Quiz 1: Friday 9/13/2019 inside classroom.
Quiz 1: close book, close notes and no cheat-sheets.
Quiz 1: you need to review half adder design and testbench, mux2to1 design and testbench,
any general combinational circuit design when schemtic is given and testbench,
basic rising edge triggered D Flip-flop design and testbench before you attend the quiz.
All of students must take the quiz1 on Friday 9/13/2019.
No make-up quiz will be given if you miss the quiz.
Your quiz 1 grade will be zero if you miss the quiz inside your classroom on Friday of 9/13/2019.

3. *** Important Announcement ****
Week 6: Midterm 1 (Friday, 10/4/2019)

Lecture Notes:

Introduction    |   Ex_S0 (basic)   |   Gate Level in Verilog   |   Testbench in Verilog

Ex_S1 (adders)   |  Full Adder   |  Ex_S1.1(different mux)   |  Ex_RCA4(4-bit Ripple Carry Adder)   |  Carry Select Adder   |  Hiearchical Design(Gate Level)  

Ex_S2 (D Flip-Flops, Shift Registers, Adder)   |   Mult |   Ex_S3 (FSM)   |   Queues, FSM   |   Behavioral Design (c7)  

********************************************** * FPGA Pins * **********************************************

Multiplexed Character Display   |   FPGA Fun (Pins)   |   Behavioral Design (c7)   |   Verilog Behavioral Modelling (c8)  

* Week 5: Midterm 1 Review. Week 6: Miderm 1 *
Week 5: Sep. 23~27; Week 6: Sep. 30 ~ Oct. 4

Week 5: Midterm Review; |   VHDL Basics   |   Intro to VHDL   |   Counter (VHDL)  

Week 6: Midterm 1 (Friday, 10/4/2019); |   Intro to VHDL (Part 2)   |   LFSR   |   Gray Counter   |   Register File