Applying to Graduate Schools

The basics: what to do and when to do it.


...important deadlines and target dates to complete your tasks. More details about the individual items can be found on the To Do List.
Day June 2021
1 Begin (or continue) researching graduate programs. Make sure to record deadlines and which GRE exams are required.
15 Brainstorm and draft a personal statement for your applications.
Day July 2021
1 Begin studying for the GRE exams.
14 Take a practice GRE General Test. Continue studying for both.
28 Take a practice GRE Math Subject Test. Continue studying for both exams.
Day August 2021
1 Register for the GRE Math Subject Test. Continue studying for both exams.
14 Aim to take the GRE General Test by this date. (Retake if needed.)
21 Finalize your personal statement. Remember to solicit feedback from professors.
28 Finalize your list of graduate programs to apply to.
Day September 2021
1 Contact your prospective letter writers to ask for letters of recommendation.
11 First chance to take the GRE Math Subject Test. Register by Aug. 6.
Day October 2021
23 Final chance to take the GRE Math Subject Test! Register by Sep. 17.
Day November 2021
1 Check in with letter writers. See if there are any extra materials they need from you.
Day December 2021
1 Finalize and submit your applications! Check with letter writers to confirm that they have (or will soon) upload their letters.

A joint production of C. Timmons and J. Wiscons. With help from Bootstrap.