"We share a philosophy about linear algebra: we think basis-free, we write basis-free, but when the chips are down we close the office door and compute with matrices like fury."
- Irving Kaplansky, writing about himself and Paul Halmos
Meeting times—Section 05: M,W,F 09:00
Meeting times—Section 04: M,W,F 10:00
Office Hours: T,Th 9:30
Student grades are maintained on Canvas.
WeBWorK (Online Homework)
Our online homework is managed in WeBWorK. It is free, and I have created accounts for most of you already. To login, follow the link below. Once you log in, you will see all available homework assignments and their due dates.
If you are not able to login or have any other questions, please send me an email.
Homework Assignments
In-class Handouts
Exam Outlines