Syllabus    |   Students

Lecture Notes:

Introduction    |   c1: Architectural Perspective   |  

c2: Architecture Overview    |   demo.v & demo_tb.v, |   displayed results, |   reading |   More: cir.v & cir_tb.v |   myand.v & cir_tb.v |   displayed results (2)

c4: Packet Based Transactions (P1)   |   c4: Packet Based Transactions (P2)   |   32-bit LCRC   |   General CRC   |   ( 2 )   |   ( 3 )   |   CRC for DLLP    |  

c5: ACK/NAK Protocol (P1)   |   (P2)   |   (P3)   |   fifo diagram    |   fifo    |   ram    |   (2)    |   tb_mydesign_ram    |   result   

Week 5: Feb. 17 ~ Feb.21
Week 5: Midterm 1 Review
c3: Address Spaces & Transaction Routing    |  

c6: QoS/TCs/VCs and Arbitration   |   midterm 1

c7: Flow Control  |   Dice     |   Max_Payload_Size   |  

c8: Transaction Ordering   |    ( RO )   |    c8: Transaction Ordering (Part 2)   |  

c10: Error Detection & Handling (Part 1)   |   (Part 2)   |   (Part 3)   |  

Week 10: Mar. 23 ~ Mar.27
Week 10: Midterm 2 Review
c9: Interrupts   |  

Handout: EMC, Cabling, Shielding, Grounding, Digital Circuit Noise and Layout   |  

c11: Physical Layer Logic   |  

CPE186 final exam schedule: Mon., May 11 8:00am - 10:00am
Final exam questions will be available for you to see on Canvas under "Assignments" during exam time.
Any student who exchanges the final exam solution for any single question listed in the exam sheet will receive 0 grade for the entire exam.

The 2nd dummy test has already been posted on Canvas.
Click on "assignments" button from canvas, you'll see the dummy test assignment.
Every student must complete the test outside class by 4/29/2020.
This is to prepare you for the final exam to practice submitting multi-page solutions on Canvas.
Make sure you ask questions if you have problems using Canvas for the dummy test.

Every student must complete the small dummy test1 available on Canvas.
Click on "assignments" button from canvas, you'll see the dummy test assignment.
You need to upload your solution on your canvas course website.
Every student must complete the test outside class by 4/29/2020.
Make sure you ask questions if you have problems using Canvas for the above dummy test.