Modern Algebra 2


الجبر (al-jabr) roughly means to "restore" or "complete" and is from the title of the book Al-kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa’l-muqābala by Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (circa 820 CE)

Course Information

  • Office hours
    • Tues 4 – 5 PM (BRH 144)
    • Wed 12 – 1 PM via Zoom
    • Fri 12 – 1 PM (BRH 144)
    • Also by appointment. (Just send me an email.)
  • Syllabus

Daily Homework

Writing Assignments

Final Project

Course Log

[12.03.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: For the first part of class, we got to see a couple of folks present their solutions to Exam 2—nice job! Then, due to some technical difficulties, the middle portion of class was a very short lecture looking at the way in which complex conjugation can always be viewed as an element of $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}^{p(x)}/\mathbb{Q})$ for any $p(x)\in \mathbb{Q}[x]$. We then finished up with course evals. Next time we’ll wrap up the course and finally see a polynomial that is not solvable by radicals…and get folks prepped for the final project.
For next class meeting: HW27

Week 14

[11.28.24] - Thursday - No Class for Fall Break
[11.26.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Most of the day was spent taking a long look at $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2},\zeta_3)/\mathbb{Q})$. We began by working out that the group has 6 elements and saw where each map the generators $\sqrt[3]{2}$ and $\zeta_3$. Next we looked at various subfields of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2},\zeta_3)$ and worked out the corresponding subgroups of $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2},\zeta_3)/\mathbb{Q})$. Finally, we rewrote the 6 elements of the group as permutations of the roots of $x^3 - 2$. We finished by returning to $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5)/\mathbb{Q})$ and writing the elements as permutations of the roots of $x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1$.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
For next class meeting: HW26

Week 13

[11.21.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Began with a couple problems from last time that explored $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},i)/\mathbb{Q})$. The first problem showed that $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},i)/\mathbb{Q}) \cong V_4$, and the second explicitly connected the subgroups of $V_4$ with subfields of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},i)$. Next we started in on Galois extensions, mostly just wrapping our heads around the defintion. We again have a couple problems to pick up with next time, which will look at $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2},\zeta_3)/\mathbb{Q})$.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW25
[11.19.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Started with a few problems from last time looking at isomorphisms and non-isomorphisms between fields of the form $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ and how these are controlled by the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. We then sharpened our focus to automorphism of fields and saw (among other things) that $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5)/\mathbb{Q})$ is a group isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_4$. Next time we’ll pick up with the final two problems, which explore $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},i)/\mathbb{Q})$.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW24

Week 12

[11.14.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Started with a couple of problems from last time about the degree of extensions and using the multiplicative property. Then we began what will be a long discussion of functions between fields, taking into account that we will want our functions to respect the field structure (addition and multiplication) as well as the linear algebraic structure that comes from having subfields. Ran out of time again so will get to the final three problems next time.
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW23
[11.12.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: The focus was on computing bases (and degrees) for field extensions. We worked a few examples and started to see the utility of the “multiplicative property” for towers of field extensions. We ran out of time before getting to the final two problems, so we’ll start next time by taking a look at them.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW22

Week 11

[11.05.24] - Thursday
What we covered: There was lots to talk about. We started by checking in about the election to see how folks are doing—thanks for taking part and making space for that. We also talked about a little math. The focus was on using EIC to show polynomials are irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}$. At the end, we also introduced some linear algebra terminology and explored it in the context of $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ for $\alpha$ a root of $x^5+5x^4-5$, ultimately seeing that $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ is $5$-dimensional over $\mathbb{Q}$. But the highlight of the day, was a joke by SB: “why can’t you grow wheat in $\mathbb{Z}_6$?”
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW21
[11.05.24] - Tuesday - Election Day
What we covered: Today we learned how to nicely describe the elements of $F(\alpha)$ once we know the degree of $\alpha$ over $F$. We saw this in action for $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_3)$, $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2} + i)$, $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},i)$, and $\mathbb{Z}_3(r)$ with $r$ a root of $x^3-x+1$. We also saw that when multiplying elements of $F(\alpha)$ we can use the minimal polynomial to reduce powers. Up next is another tool for helping us find minimal polynomials.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW20

Week 10

[10.31.24] - Thursday
What we covered: The focus of the day was on minimal polynomials over a field: how to find them (in certain cases) and that the polynomial may be different depending on what field we are working over. The final problem got us started on the next bit of theory, which will show how the minimal polynomial for $\alpha$ over $F$ can help us develop a concrete description of the field $F(\alpha)$.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work Photo of class work
To do: Vote if you’re able to. Also try to work on HW19, but since the election is happening, everyone will get full points on it.
[10.29.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Wrapped up a very lengthy Chapter 5 today! The focus was on kernels, images (and preimages), and the First Isomorphism Theorem, with some applications in examples. We ended with a quick look at the start of Chapter 6 and algebraic elements.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW18

Week 9

[10.24.24] - Thursday
What we covered: lots. Several longer and harder problems today covering ideals (generally and specifically in $F[x]$), homomorphisms (generally and specific examples), and kernels. Great job you all!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW17
[10.22.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: The focus of the day was on generating ideals, mostly in commutative rings. In commutative rings with 1, we proved that $(a) = \{ar\mid r\in R\}$ and and that $(a) \subseteq (b)$ iff $b\mid a$. We used this to describe the ideals containing $(60)$ in $\mathbb{Z}$ and the ideals containing $(x^4+x^2)$ in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$. We also saw that all ideals in $\mathbb{Z}$ are principle. We have a couple of lingering problems (5.85 and 5.96) that we’ll start with next time.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW16

Week 8

[10.17.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Covered a lot of ground today with ideals and quotients, both in specific examples (working in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ and $\mathbb{Z}$) and abstractly. We’ll continue next time by looking at generating ideals, paralleling how we generated subgroups or subfields before.
Photo of class work Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW15
[10.15.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Started with a little more about irreducibility, and then moved to ideals, cosets, and quotients. We looked at various examples and non-examples of subrings and ideals and took a close look at $\{(x^2+1)p(x)\mid p(x)\in \mathbb{Q}[x]\}$. Unfortunately, there were three problems we didn’t get to today, but we’ll start with them next time.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW14

Week 7

[10.10.24] - Thursday
What we covered: First midterm. One down—nice job!
Due next class meeting: HW13
[10.08.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Lectured over the remaining parts of the introduction to polynomial rings and also started discussing subrings, ideals, and quotients. More with ideals and quotients after the exam.
Due next class meeting: Nothing. Just study for the first midterm.

Week 6

[10.03.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Continued to build the core language and tools for working with polynomials. We started off discussing gcd’s and then at the end moved to the definition and first tests for irreducibility.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Look over for next class meeting: HW12
[10.01.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: More with polynomials today with a focus on those with coefficients from a field. We looked at some properties of $F[x]$ (for $F$ a field) such as: the degree of a product is the sum of the degrees, and $(x-c)$ is a factor of $p(x)$ precisely when $c$ is a root of $p(x)$. We also took a look at factoring specific polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ and in $\mathbb{Z}_5[x]$. Thanks all for a great day!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW11

Week 5

[09.26.24] - Thursday
What we covered: We mainly kept exporing the notions of units and zero divisors in various rings. We took a close look at $\mathbb{Z}_{20}$ and then generalized to $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$. After that we turned our focus to matrix rings, and then we finished with a problem that took us back to polynomials. Lots more with polynomials on the horizon!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW10
[09.24.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Started learning about rings today. Spent some time collecting examples of rings with various properties (commutativity, having a unit, being a division ring), and also started discussing special properties of elements such as being a zero divisor or being a unit. We didn’t get to the last two problems, so we’ll start there next time.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW09

Week 4

[09.19.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Wrapped up Chapter 4 today! The definitions of ‘radical extensions’ and polynomials being ‘solvable by radicals’ are quite technical, but it seems like folks were pretty onboard by the end of the day. We saw various examples of polynomials that are solvable by radicals like $x^2+3x+1$, $x^3-2$, $x^n-1$, and $x^6-3x^3-1$, and now—for the rest of the course—our goal will be to find one that is not. To do this, we need to explore polynomials in more depth, and this leads us into the topic of rings. Thanks for another fun day!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW08
[09.17.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Continued with generating subfields of $\mathbb{C}$. Last time we saw that $\mathbb{Q}(i) = \mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}i$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5}) = \mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}\sqrt{5}$, but today we showed that $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha) \neq \mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}\alpha$ when $\alpha = \sqrt{2} + i$. (Later on we’ll see how to describe the elements of $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$.) We also took a go at organizing different subfields into a common picture: one time we did this via a Venn diagram (which was quite challenging!) and another time we drew a lattice of subfields. After that, we got to work wrapping our head around so-called radical extensions—next time we’ll tie this idea into our formal definition of a polynomial being solvable by radicals.
Photo of class workPhoto of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW07

Week 3

[09.12.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Started by seeing another example of a field ($\mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}i$) as well as more nonexamples (like $\mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}\alpha$ where $\alpha = \sqrt{2} + i$). The main topic was generating fields, and we spent most of our time grappling with the definition and then showing that $\mathbb{Q}(i) = \mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}i$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5}) = \mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}\sqrt{5}$. Generating structures is always a challenging topic at first, but you all were asking great questions and seemed to be making sense of things by the end of class. Nice job!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW06
[09.10.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Saw various examples of fields today (like $\mathbb{Q} + \mathbb{Q}\sqrt{5}$, the finite fields $\mathbb{F}_3$ and $\mathbb{F}_4$, and $\mathbb{Z}_p$ with $p$ prime) as well as some nonexamples. We also started proving some basic properties of fields. So sorry I had to miss the first 15 minutes of class—thanks for making it happen without me!
Photo of class work
Photo of class workPhoto of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW05

Week 2

[09.05.24] - Thursday
What we covered: We started by wrapping up roots of unity and finding all solutions to $x^n = a$ in the complex numbers. We then spent a little time on the quaternions and finished with a problem leading the way into our upcoming discusion of fields.
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW04
[09.03.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: Continued to explore basic facts about complex numbers (like de Moivre’s formula), and then started in on roots of unity. Unfortunately we didn’t get to talk about the last two problems, but we’ll cover then next time.
Photo of class work
Photo of class workPhoto of class work
Due next class meeting: HW03

Week 1

[08.29.24] - Thursday
What we covered: Spent a little more time framing the course and talking about formulas for roots of polynomials; a key thing was to start exploring the idea of a polynomial being ‘solvable by radicals’. After that, we started in on complex numbers with an initial focus on ways to represent and manipulate them. Many thanks to you all—presenters and audience members alike—for a great day! Hope you get to enjoy the long weekend!
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting: HW02
[08.27.24] - Tuesday
What we covered: First day of class! After introductions and discussing the syllabus, we got started in on some math. We looked at finding roots of polynomials, which then led to questions about possible analogues of the quadratic equation. This is main thread of the course, and we’ll spend the semester answering this! Looking forward to Thursday!
Photo of class work
Due next class meeting (08/29): Please work on: HW01. You will not be graded on this first assignment, but we will talk about it in class.