Bang Tran @ California State University, Sacramento

Welcome to the Bang Tran webpage at California State University, Sacramento

Recent Publications

scCAN: single-cell clustering using autoencoder and network fusion

Unsupervised clustering of single-cell RNA sequencing data (scRNA-seq) is important because it allows us to identify putative cell …

A novel method for single-cell data imputation using subspace regression

Recent advances in biochemistry and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) have allowed us to monitor the biological systems at the …

scIDS: Single-cell Imputation by combining Deep autoencoder neural networks and Subspace regression

Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful high throughput technique that enables the characterization of …

SMRT: Randomized Data Transformation for Cancer Subtyping and Big Data Analysis

Cancer is an umbrella term that includes a range of disorders, from those that are fast-growing and lethal to indolent lesions with low …




A R package for single-cell data clustering


A R package for single-cell data imputation


ThYme: A comprehensive database of the Thioester-active enzYmes


A web application for cancer subtyping and big data analysis


CPA: a web-based platform for consensus pathway analysis and interactive visualization


A R package for single-cell analysis


A R package for data integration and disease subtyping


A R package for cancer subtyping


A database for examining post-translational modification data


Suit of tools for bi-level meta-analysis.


Nhóm nghiên cứu của TS. Nguyễn Chí Tín (Đại học Nevada, Reno, Mỹ) đã phát triển được mô hình học sâu scCAN có khả năng phân cụm hàng triệu dữ liệu tế bào trong một thời gian ngắn với độ chính xác cao, nhờ đó có thể tìm ra những tế bào hiếm gặp trong mẫu sinh thiết ung thư một cách hiệu quả hơn. Tìm lối đi giữa mênh mông dữ liệu Sự phát triển của công nghệ là một điều mà có lẽ đa phần chúng ta đều mong muốn.

Assistant Professor Tin Nguyen and his lab have developed software to help life scientists efficiently analyze single-cell data using machine learning.


Great Basin College Bioinformatics Workshop 2022

Three-Day Workshop: Introduction to Bioinformatics Techniques

Great Basin College Bioinformatics Workshop 2021

Two-Day Workshop: Introduction to Bioinformatics Techniques

Pack Research Experience Program Mentoring

A new research award that directly benefits underrepresented students with an academic standing of freshman or sophomore.


Current Students
